Sunday, January 17, 2010

New races for the Year of Races

So, I had so much fun doing the snowshoe 5k, got really excited about my year of races. I got on to finish registering for my races to make sure i don't back out (the Moab Half Marathon and the Wasatch Back still SCARE me!!). In the process, I found a bunch of races i want to do, so the year of races has been tweaked. I am now going to be participating in at least a 5k each month. Some of the races I'm most excited for are...
-the SLC Marathon 5k w Sue in April(Sue, I hope you weren't kidding)
-the Survivors at the Summit in August (it's a hike to honor cancer survivors. I'm trying to put together a team of 6 so let me know if you're interested)
-the Donate Life Utah 9k in October (it's to raise awareness for the benefits of Organ Donation).
If anyone wants to join me in any of these let me know I won't bore you with the entire list here...
Also, I promise all my entries will be about the races. I'm just getting excited right now.


Becky said...

I'm so impressed

Unknown said...

I'd love to do a 5K with you during the summer. We'll chat.